Add a config.yml
file to /admin
| |--config.yml
| |--index.jade
| |--general.json
| |
| |--index.jade
| |--layout.jade
WebriQ CMS works with the concept of collections of documents that a user can edit.
Collections basically comes in two forms:
. Set the folder
attribute on the collection. Each document will be a file in this folder. Each document will have the same format, fields and meta fields.files
. Set the files
attribute on the collection. You can set fields that all files in the folder shares directly on the collection, and set specific fields for each file. This is great when you have files with a different structure.Each collection has a list of fields (or files with their individual fields). Each field has a label, a name and a widget.
Setting up the right collections is the main part of integrating netlify CMS with your site. It's where you decide exactly what content editors can work with, and what widgets should be used to edit each field of your various files or content types.
name: github-api
repo: owner/repo # Path to your Github repository
branch: master # Branch to update (master by default)
media_folder: "img/uploads" # Folder where user uploaded files should go
collections: # A list of collections the CMS should be able to edit
- name: "post" # Used in routes, ie.: /admin/collections/:slug/edit
label: "Post" # Used in the UI, ie.: "New Post"
folder: "posts" # The path to the folder where the documents are stored
create: true # Allow users to create new documents in this collection
fields: # The fields each document in this collection have
- {label: "Title", name: "title", widget: "string", tagname: "h1"}
- {label: "Body", name: "body", widget: "markdown"}
- {label: "Foo", name: "foo", widget: "foo"}
meta: # Meta data fields. Just like fields, but without any preview element
- {label: "Publish Date", name: "date", widget: "datetime"}
- name: "settings"
label: "Settings"
- name: "general"
label: "General settings"
file: "_settings/general.json"
- {label: "Main site title", name: "site_title", widget: "string"}
- {label: "Number of fronpage posts", name: "post_count", widget: "number"}
- {label: "Site cover image", name: "cover", widget: "image"}
- name: "post" # Used in routes, ie.: /admin/collections/:slug/edit
label: "Post" # Used in the UI, ie.: "New Post"
folder: "posts" # The path to the folder where the documents are stored
create: true # Allow users to create new documents in this collection
fields: # The fields each document in this collection have
- {label: "Title", name: "title", widget: "string", tagname: "h1"}
- {label: "Body", name: "body", widget: "markdown"}
- {label: "Foo", name: "foo", widget: "foo"}
meta: # Meta data fields. Just like fields, but without any preview element
- {label: "Publish Date", name: "date", widget: "datetime"}
add this following lines on extensions[]
extensions: [ collections(folder: '_posts', layout: 'post')]
- name: "settings"
label: "Settings"
- name: "general"
label: "General settings"
file: "_settings/general.json"
- {label: "Main site title", name: "site_title", widget: "string"}
- {label: "Number of fronpage posts", name: "post_count", widget: "number"}
- {label: "Site cover image", name: "cover", widget: "image"}
add this following lines on extensions[]
extensions: [ records(
general: { file: "data/general.json"}